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Abstract: Anhui Heli Co., Ltd., as a leading enterprise in China's forklift industry

Abstract: Anhui Heli Co., Ltd., as a leading enterprise in China's forklift industry, has just announced the "1818 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Heli Co., Ltd.". According to the main accounting data in the report, Anhui Heli opened its business in the first half of 2018. Revenue was 5.038 billion yuan, up by 23.20% from the first half of 2017, which was 23.20%. Anhui Heli's net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first half of 2018 was 341 million yuan, compared with 224 million in the first half of 2017. Yuan, an increase of 52.44%. Anhui Heli sold about 66,200 forklifts in the first half of 2018, an increase of about 19% year-on-year.

As a leading company in China's forklift industry, Anhui Heli Co., Ltd. has just announced the "2018 Semi-annual Report of Anhui Heli Co., Ltd.”. According to the main accounting data in the report, Anhui Heli’s operating income in the first half of 2018 is 5.038 billion yuan, compared with 4.089 billion yuan in the first half of 2017, an increase of 23.20% over the same period of the previous year. Anhui Heli's net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first half of 2018 was 341 million yuan, compared with 224 million yuan in the first half of 2017. It increased by 52.44% year-on-year. Anhui Heli sold about 66,200 forklifts in the first half of 2018, an increase of about 19% year-on-year.

The content of the complete report is very much, and it is mainly based on financial data. I just extracted some main contents from it, such as the operation of Anhui Heli in the first half of 2018, several major operational data, and Anhui Heli in the first half of the year. What are the risks, possible risks and countermeasures that Anhui Heli may face, so that you can understand the basic development of Heli Forklift.
I. Analysis of the operation of Anhui Heli in the first half of 2018
Since the beginning of this year, the domestic economic situation has been basically stable, and the prosperity of manufacturing enterprises has remained at an active level; major overseas economies have continued to recover, but the unfavorable factors brought about by trade protectionism are gradually increasing. Benefiting from the steady development of the domestic and international economy, the market demand for the industrial vehicle industry remains strong. According to the statistics of the Industrial Vehicles Branch, the total sales volume (including exports) of the whole industry in the first half of the year was about 307,500 units, an increase of about 27% year-on-year. Among them, Anhui Heli achieved sales of approximately 66,200 units, an increase of approximately 19% year-on-year.
Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, Anhui Heli has continuously increased its operational efficiency, innovation capability and brand value through continuous investment in lean management, quality research and development, marketing services, technological transformation investment and information construction. Anhui Heli Development Gradually entering the harvest of operating results. In the first half of 2018, Anhui Heli achieved consolidated operating income of 5.038 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.20%; net profit attributable to owners of the parent company was 341 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52.44%.

Summarizing the operation of Anhui Heli in the first half of 2018, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
First, concentrate on the strength and achieve high growth rate. During the reporting period, in the face of market opportunities, the company actively adjusted its production and sales strategy, and further improved its service capabilities by continuously promoting the construction of 4S store construction and management standardization of marketing networks; in response to the characteristics of international target markets, it launched several high-tech and high value-added products. To meet different market needs. At the same time, Anhui Heli further improved the regional service and market radiation functions in Europe, and carried out business cooperation with international first-class enterprises such as ZF, and solidly promoted the pace of international development.
The second is continuous innovation and achieving high quality development. During the reporting period, Anhui Heli continued to strengthen the innovation of complete vehicles and basic technologies, and accelerated the marketization of new models such as intelligent logistics, hybrid power and new energy while promoting the upgrading of existing product series; Quality control standards, deepen the application of quality control methods such as "six sigma” and "lean quality”, implement the annual product quality improvement target, and actively establish the "Heli high-end car” brand image.
The third is transformation and upgrading to achieve sustainable development. During the reporting period, Anhui Heli actively expanded the "post market” field of industrial vehicles, and the scale of emerging businesses such as parts, maintenance, remanufacturing, complete machines and financial leasing continued to expand, further enhancing the value of the industrial chain. The company continued to improve the "Joint Operation Management System” by promoting the responsibilities, systems and process optimization; building intelligent factories for forklift manufacturing by introducing intelligent equipment and application of information integration technology; and revising the "Enterprise Internal Control Manual” The internal control system effectively covers the company's various business units, achieving compliance control and operational risk control; through the integration of party building work and corporate governance, giving full play to the political advantages of state-owned enterprises and guiding the overall development of the business. During the reporting period, Anhui Heli won the honorary title of "Green Plant of Anhui Province” and "Professional Technology Achievement Award” of the National Lean Management Project.
Second, Anhui Heli core competitiveness analysis
Anhui Heli fully exerts its competitive advantages in independent innovation, marketing services, scale manufacturing, scientific management and brand value, actively grasps the changes in market demand, and firmly grasps the development opportunities of the industry, which makes the company's product structure continuously optimized and its market share continues to increase. The core competitiveness has been continuously consolidated. The core management team and key technical personnel of Anhui Heli remained stable, the number of patent applications and authorizations continued to increase, and the business mode and profit model were stable. There is no situation that causes the company's core competitiveness to be seriously affected.

Third, Anhui Heli increased the cooperation of superior resources and technological transformation
On February 8, 2018, Anhui Heli Co., Ltd. and ZF (China) Investment Co., Ltd. signed a joint venture contract in Hefei City. The two sides jointly invested 200 million yuan to set up Sino-German investment in China's Hefei National Economic and Technological Development Zone. Joint venture ZF Heli Transmission Technology (Hefei) Co., Ltd. This cooperation further enhances Anhui Heli's core competitiveness in the whole machine and key components.

At the same time, Anhui Heli carried out the company's technical transformation and upgrading projects in the first half of 2018. The specific projects include: improving the automation equipment application capability technical transformation project, the company's marketing network construction project, and the Hefei casting and forging plant casting intelligent process equipment transformation. Project, intelligent flexible manufacturing technical transformation project of Anqing Axle Factory, Baoji Heli upgrade automation equipment application capacity building project, Hengyang Heli upgraded explosion-proof forklift R&D and manufacturing capability and automation equipment application capability technical transformation project, 蚌埠Lili Machinery Co., Ltd. investment construction industry Vehicle hydraulic cylinder manufacturing intelligent improvement project, Heli Industrial Vehicle (Panjin) Co., Ltd. investment construction and upgrading of automation equipment application capacity building project, industrial vehicle transmission system and complete machine discrete intelligent manufacturing project, industrial vehicle-based Internet application platform construction project, Forklift high precision hydraulic casting manufacturing projects, and so on.
4. Risks and countermeasures that Anhui Heli may face
1. Risk of slowing demand growth
At present, the domestic economy is still in the period of "shifting” in the growth rate. The kinetic energy of economic development still needs to be cultivated, under the influence of domestic economic "de-leverage” and "real estate regulation” policies, and the context of "China-US” trade disputes. The domestic economic growth rate still has downside risks. Since industrial vehicles are widely used in many industries of the national economy, their market demand is closely related to the overall operation of the economy.
Countermeasure: The domestic economy has short-term downward volatility risks, but in the medium and long term, it is in an important "strategic opportunity period”, and the steady development of economic development will not change. At the same time, the company will strengthen the tracking research on market demand changes, adjust production and marketing strategies in a timely manner, and actively face market opportunities and challenges.
2. The risk of rising costs
In recent years, due to changes in market supply and demand, the prices of raw materials such as steel continue to rise, resulting in further increases in the manufacturing costs of the company's products. In addition, as labor costs increase year by year, company costs and expenses are also increased. If the future cost can not be effectively controlled, it will further reduce the gross profit margin and profit margin of the company's products.
Countermeasures: The company will continue to strengthen R&D investment, expand the scale of production and sales of high value-added products; and gradually increase the proportion of service revenue by expanding the "post market” field of industrial vehicles. In addition, the company will continue to strengthen cost control and talent team building, and improve the operational efficiency and scale advantages to reduce the risk of rising costs.
3. Risk of two-way exchange rate fluctuations
At the beginning of this year, due to the weakening of the US dollar, the appreciation of the RMB against the US dollar was obvious. In the recent days, the RMB exchange rate is facing greater depreciation pressure against the backdrop of the domestic economic downturn, the external US dollar strength, the divergence of China-US monetary policy, and the tight bilateral trade relations. Although the depreciation of the local currency is conducive to the export of the company's products, it will also increase the procurement cost of some imported components; in addition, the two-way fluctuation of the exchange rate will increase the risk of corporate foreign exchange management.
Countermeasures: The company will further strengthen its international expansion efforts, optimize the structure of export products, expand the scale of exports, and strive to reduce the adverse effects of exchange rate fluctuations through the use of financial instruments.

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