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According to the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Special Equipment", the safety status of special equipment in the country is published as follows in 2018.
First, the basic situation of special equipment
(1) The number of special equipment registrations.
By the end of 2013, the total number of special equipment in the country reached 936,900 units, an increase of 14.02% over 2012; among them: 641,200 boilers, 3.011 million pressure vessels, 305,300 elevators, 2,135,500 cranes, and plants (plants) There were 553,600 dedicated motor vehicles, 17,900 large-scale amusement facilities, 873 passenger ropeways, 147.87 million gas cylinders, and 889,300 kilometers of pressure pipelines.
Figure 1: Proportion of the number of special equipment in 2018
(2) The production and operation of special equipment.
By the end of 2018, there were a total of 55,451 units of special equipment production (including design, manufacturing, installation, transformation, maintenance, and gas filling), with a total of 64,027 licenses.
Figure 2: Distribution of the number of special equipment production units in 2018
The number of existing special equipment operators in the country was 8,829,900, an increase of 17.52% over 2017, of which 1.63 million were issued in 2017.
(3) Safety monitoring and inspection of special equipment.
By the end of 2018, the national quality inspection system had set up 3,236 special equipment safety supervision institutions, including one at the national level, 32 at the provincial level, 485 at the municipal level, and 2,718 at the county level. There were 12,491 national special equipment safety supervisors.
By the end of 2018, there were 513 comprehensive inspection facilities for special equipment in the country, including 323 inspection agencies affiliated to quality inspection departments, and 190 industry inspection agencies and enterprise self-inspection agencies. There are also 37 type test institutions, 336 non-destructive testing institutions, 1817 gas cylinder inspection institutions, 179 safety valve calibration mechanisms, 85 building construction sites and municipal engineering site crane inspection institutions; various inspection agencies The total number of personnel licenses is 71,765.
In 2018, the quality supervision departments at all levels in the country carried out 1,201,300 person-times of special equipment law enforcement supervision and inspection, and issued 155,700 safety supervision orders. The special equipment inspection agency supervised and inspected the manufacturing process of 1,393,100 sets of special equipment and components, and found and urged the enterprise to handle 66,200 quality and safety issues; supervised and inspected the installation, renovation and maintenance of 2.0534 million special equipments. It discovered and urged enterprises to deal with 344,500 quality and safety issues; conducted a regular inspection of 4,756,600 units of special equipment, and found and urged the use of units to handle 1,108,700 quality and safety issues.
Second, the safety status of special equipment
(1) The overall situation of the accident.
In 2018, there were 227 special equipment accidents, 289 deaths and 274 injuries. No major accidents occurred in special equipment throughout the year. Compared with 2012, the number of accidents decreased by one, down by 0.44%; the number of deaths decreased by 3, down by 1.03%; the number of injured decreased by 80, down by 22.60%. The number of deaths per unit of equipment in the country was 0.46, a decrease of 11.03% compared with 2012, and the control target of 10,000 units of equipment deaths issued by the State Council Security Committee did not exceed 0.51. Overall, the national security situation of special equipment is generally stable.
Figure 3: Death rate graph of 10,000 units in 2003-2018
(2) Characteristics of the accident.
According to the equipment category, there were 26 boiler accidents, 34 pressure vessel accidents (including 16 gas cylinder accidents), 9 pressure pipeline accidents, 70 elevator accidents, 61 crane accidents, and motor vehicle accidents in the field (plant). From 18, there were 9 accidents in large amusement facilities. Among them, the number of elevators and crane accidents and the number of deaths accounted for a large proportion, the accidents accounted for 30.83%, 26.87%, and the death toll accounted for 19.72% and 29.07% respectively.
According to the occurrence link, it occurred in the use of 184, accounting for 81.06%; the installation and loading and unloading links were 23, accounting for 10.13%; the maintenance and repair links were 10, accounting for 4.41%; the filling and transportation links were 8, accounting for 3.52%; the other 2 , accounting for 0.88%.
According to the industry-related division, 88 cases occurred in the manufacturing industry, accounting for 38.76%; 40 cases occurred in the construction site and construction industry, accounting for 17.62%; 13 cases occurred in the transportation and logistics industry, accounting for 5.73%; occurred in social and public services 86 industries, accounting for 37.89%.
According to the damage form, the main features of pressure equipment (boiler, pressure vessel, pressure pipeline) accidents are explosion or leakage of fire; electromechanical equipment (elevator, crane, passenger ropeway, large amusement facilities, factory (field) Special motor vehicles) The main features of accidents are collapse, fall, impact and shear.
(3) The cause of the accident.
1. Boiler accident. The accident boilers are all small steam or soda boilers below 1t/h, which are all in use. Among them, 9 illegal operations or improper operation accidents, 6 illegal production and use accidents, 2 equipment failures and safety attachment failures.
2. Pressure vessel accident. Among them, there were 9 accidents of equipment defects and safety accessories, 4 cases of illegal operation or improper operation, and 4 cases of illegal equipment.
3. Gas cylinder accident. Among them, 5 illegal operations or improper operation accidents, 4 equipment defects and safety accessories failed, 3 accidents caused by gas leakage, 1 illegal filling accident, and 1 illegal gas cylinder accident.
4. Pressure pipeline accidents. The accident phenomenon is the leakage of the pipeline rupture medium, or directly causing personal injury, or causing personal injury caused by deflagration. The cause of the accident was mainly due to equipment quality reasons or personnel violations. Among them, there were 3 ammonia leakage accidents, 4 gas pipeline leakage accidents, and 1 steam pipeline leakage accident.
5. Elevator accidents. According to the form of the accident, the personnel fell 46, and the personnel squeezed and cut 19, and the collision occurred 5 times. According to the occurrence of the link, the use of 48, the installation and transformation of 13 from the repair link. Among the causes of the accident, there were 35 accidents involving safety accessories or protective devices; 25 accidents involving illegal operations or operations; and 10 accidents with poor management.
6. Lifting machinery accidents. Among them, 33 cases of illegal operations or improper operation accidents (including 12 cases of illegal work by the licensees), and 21 accidents caused by equipment hidden dangers.
7. Special motor vehicle accidents in the field (plant). Among them, 17 were forklift accidents and 1 was a special motor vehicle for park scenic spots. The cause of the accident was all illegal operations or improper operation.
8. Large amusement ride accidents. Among them, there were 4 accidents involving safety attachments or protection devices, and 2 tourists were aware of their own protection awareness and measures.

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