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Forklift maintenance is also divided into these major categories, long knowledge

Forklift maintenance is also divided into these major categories, long knowledge
The forklift is also a car and needs maintenance.
Due to the wide range of use of forklifts and the high frequency of use. We usually don't know the maintenance specifications of the forklift because of work or time, so the forklift has frequent failures.
Everyone knows that the car we usually drive, after a few kilometers of running, we need to carry out daily inspection and maintenance of the car to prevent us from malfunctioning during the driving process.
The forklift is also a car, and the forklift is a good helper to accompany us. If necessary, it is also necessary to carry out some routine daily maintenance on the forklift. This will ensure the extension of the service life of the forklift and reduce the incidence of forklift failures.
Then the maintenance of forklifts is mainly divided into several categories?
Maintenance of the forklift before leaving the car:
Check whether the amount of oil, fuel, and cooling water is sufficient, and whether there are water leakage, oil leakage, and air leakage in all parts of the vehicle. Check that the bolts and nuts of the tires, axle shafts, drive shafts, etc. are tight. Check that the connection parts of the steering mechanism are securely fastened.
Check that the tire pressure meets the specified standards. Check that the free travel of the steering wheel and clutch pedal meets the requirements. Check the brake system and driving system. Check if the instrument, lights, and speakers are good, and check if the engine is running normally.
Maintenance during driving:
During driving, check the engine and chassis for noise and attention to the smell.
Pay attention to the working conditions of the steering system and brake system. Observe whether the work of various meters is normal. Whether there is overheating of the hub, brake hub, gearbox, differential, etc.
Check the leaf spring for cracks, looseness or misalignment. Check whether the connections of the steering mechanism are securely fastened. Pay attention to the tires for serious air leaks, loose swings or explosions.
Stop exercising during the exercise and check whether there are water leakage, oil leakage or air leakage in all parts of the vehicle.
Maintenance after collection:
Clean all parts inside and outside the vehicle. Check the leaf spring for cracks, looseness or misalignment. Check that each assembly, the connection part of the component, and the hanging device are secure and reliable.
Check for oil leakage, water leakage, air leakage, and replenish fuel, lubricant, brake fluid and battery water.
For vehicles equipped with a scraper type oil filter, turn the handle 2 to 3 in a clockwise direction. Check the tire pressure and appearance to remove debris embedded in the tread. Clear the water and oil in the air reservoir and turn off the switch.
Check the cooling system. In the cold winter, pay attention to water release and antifreeze.
Looking at the maintenance knowledge of so many forklifts is not a big increase in strength. With the maintenance skills of these forklifts, there is no need to worry about the frequent failure of the forklift, and the inspection and maintenance of the forklift often guarantees our work and life safety.
Of course, if you want to know more about forklift exams, training, safe driving, and operational skills. Stay tuned to the websites of developed schools and let us escort your work and life.

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