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Shanghai Saferlifts: Talking about the development status and prospects of alternative forklift trucks for energy forklifts

(1) LPG forklift, referred to as LPG forklift
1. LPG is the acronym for English liquefied petroleum gas, meaning liquefied petroleum gas. LPG forklift was first introduced to China's small batch production in the 1990s. It is an alternative energy forklift that was first contacted and actually sold by the Chinese people. It should be the originator of alternative energy in the Chinese forklift industry. At present, LPG forklift is also the most widely used alternative energy forklift.
2, LPG forklift features
1. Compared with gasoline and diesel vehicles, the combustion is sufficient, the carbon deposit is less, the engine wear is less, and the pollution is less;
2. Compared with CNG and LNG, the unit volume has high calorific value, good power and long driving range;
3. The power is lower than that of the gasoline engine;
LPG and CNG forklifts are mature technologies. The gradual promotion under the convenient conditions of resources and gas stations is also one of the diversified directions of forklift fuels, which can solve emissions pollution and economic operation, because both liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas are under normal conditions. It is a gas, and it requires a large investment in commercial operations such as storage, transportation, and refueling, so it will become an indispensable product in the replacement of forklift fuel.
(2) Compressed or liquefied natural gas forklift, referred to as CNG/LNG forklift
1. Natural gas (English: Natural Gas referred to as NG) is mainly composed of alkanes. It is a colorless and odorless gas. Commonly used vehicles instead of fuel natural gas have two forms, one is compressed natural gas (CNG). One is liquefied natural gas (CNG). The time that appeared in China was a natural gas forklift developed by Baoji in 2002. At that time, the power was not fully qualified for the 3 ton forklift, and the later products have been improved. Two years ago, Anhui Heli Group had developed various natural gas forklift products.
Compressed natural gas (CNG)
Compressed natural gas is mainly composed of methane (). Compressed natural gas at a pressure of more than 200 kilograms in a container that can withstand high pressure. Since it is gaseous after compression, compressed natural gas burns more completely than gasoline and diesel, and emits less CO and HC.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is stored and transported in liquid form, mainly composed of methane, saturated alkanes, and a small amount of sulfur. The preparation of liquefied natural gas requires a series of processes such as deoxidation, desulfurization, dehydration, and acid removal. After that, it can be made into liquefied natural gas after fractionation, low temperature, condensation and other processes.
2. Advantages of natural gas as a substitute fuel for forklifts:
1 Environmental protection is good. Natural gas is a colorless and odorless gas. When a forklift uses natural gas as an alternative fuel, almost no other pollutants are produced in the combustion process except for a small amount of carbon dioxide.
2 burning point is high. Gasoline has a flash point of 426 ° C, while natural gas has a flash point above 640 ° C. It is not easy to ignite when natural gas forklift fuel leaks.
3 low density. Since the density of natural gas is about 0.57~0.59 relative to the air density, when the natural gas leaks, it will quickly dissipate in the air due to the low density, and it is difficult to form the explosive ignition concentration.
4 high octane number. The octane number of natural gas is above 120, which is no match for any diesel or gasoline on the market.
5 explosion limit is wide. The explosion limit of gasoline is 1~7%, while the explosion limit of natural gas is 5~15%. Such explosion conditions are not easy to form under natural conditions.
6 rich in resources. China has a very rich natural gas, and the proven natural gas is about 1.8 trillion cubic meters, which can be maintained for more than 80 years.
7 economical. Using natural gas as a substitute fuel for forklifts can reduce the operating cost of forklifts. According to some users, the forklift can save about 40 yuan per day after changing to a natural gas forklift.
8 working conditions are good. Natural gas forklifts have essentially no carbon deposits after combustion, which makes the natural gas forklift engine run more smoothly and can extend the life of the engine.
Application prospects:
Due to the adjustment of the world energy structure in the post-industrial period and the increasingly strict emission regulations of various countries, the use of natural gas as one of the alternative fuels for forklifts is the need of the times and the right of customers to choose independently. In the future when oil is in short supply, natural gas will be promising as a substitute fuel for forklifts.
(3) Biodiesel forklift
1. Definition of biodiesel
Biomass energy is a kind of energy based on biomass. It is directly or indirectly derived from the photosynthesis of plants. It can be converted into conventional solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, which are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. A kind of renewable energy. The current biodiesel is converted from animal and vegetable oils and waste cooking oil.
Biomass diesel forklifts have not been promoted in China. In 2015, Hefei Baofa Company was commissioned by a biodiesel company to carry out tests on the type of biodiesel forklift engines. The test data showed that the power of biodiesel is not lower than Standard diesel fuel is very economical, but due to the large difference in biodiesel manufacturing process, it is difficult to control the control of various pollutants in the whole machine. Compared with alcohol ether energy sources (dimethyl ether and methanol energy), the development of biomass diesel engines in Europe and the United States is more active. Because the biodiesel production process is simple, the engine does not need to be modified, and the infrastructure can be used. Therefore, Europe and the United States lack enthusiasm in the development of dimethyl ether and methanol engines. If it is possible to break through the consistency of biomass energy manufacturing and the emission meets the national requirements, the promotion and popularization of biomass diesel forklifts is relatively easy to achieve breakthroughs.
2. Characteristics of biodiesel:
1) The technology for converting animal and vegetable oils and waste cooking oil into biodiesel is basically mature and does not require complicated equipment.
2) The pH value is low, so the storage device is preferably an acid corrosion resistant material.
3) Biodiesel is rich in resources and is an environmentally friendly renewable fuel.
4) It has the tendency of "aging”, and the heating should not exceed 80 °C. It should be protected from light and stored in contact with air.
5) Good lubrication performance. Better low temperature engine starting performance.
6) No need to change the diesel engine, it can be blended with any proportion of mixed fuel or directly added, without the need to add additional fueling equipment, storage equipment, which is the only way to do so in a variety of alternative fuels.
7) Better safety performance. High cetane number, oxygen, and better combustion performance than diesel.
(4), ethanol forklift
1. Ethanol (), commonly known as alcohol, is made from corn, wheat, potato, sugar cane and other crops as raw materials, fermented and distilled, and can also be synthesized from ethylene and water [9]. After dehydrating ethanol and adding a proper amount of gasoline, it is made into denatured fuel ethanol. The so-called vehicle ethanol gasoline is a kind of vehicle fuel that is mixed with denatured fuel ethanol and gasoline in a certain proportion. Generally, there are two kinds of fuels: one is E10. (ie 10% of the ethanol content station volume) One is E85 (ie 85% of the ethanol content station volume).
2. The main advantages of ethanol as a substitute fuel for forklift trucks:
1 Ethanol is rich in resources. Ethanol can be obtained from cereal corn or from sugar cane, sugar beet, wheat, barley and vegetable waste.
2 environmental performance is good. The sulfur content and olefin content in gasoline are relatively high. Ethanol contains high oxygen, self-supply effect, and CO and HC emissions are lower than gasoline. 3 high octane number, good antiknock.
4 freezing point is low. The freezing point of ethanol is much lower than that of gasoline. There is no need to worry about freezing in the carburetor like gasoline, which affects the normal operation of the carburetor.
5 ethanol ignition limit is wide. Ethanol has a wide ignition limit and burns fast.

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